Friday, January 20, 2012

Our hearts are breaking again--a little update

Update--our vet talked to my oncologist and he said that Kinavet can be used for t-cell lymphoma. We already have 2 bottles of Kinavet so Bitey was started on it yesterday. We don't know how well it will work or if it's too late but we will try.There is no cure...but we can hope to slow it down.

My mom apologizes for so much sad news this early in the year but it seems to be happening all at once.

We lost Beau this past Tuesday. On Wednesday. my mom took his brother, Bitey, to be checked because he had a lump under his front leg. It came back positive for lymphoma, too.  Two brothers, same cancer at exactly the same time??

Bitey and Beau. 

Beau and Bitey were born on Labor day 1999. They plopped right out of Baby into my mom's hands. So they both are very, very special to her.

There is a treatment for lymphoma but it only buys a little time. Six months of chemo and you might get 2 more months after that. The problem with lymphoma is that it never really goes away. The next time the cancer comes back it's more resistant. It's very, very expensive, too.

The simplest treatment is prednisone which is what we are doing. We're feeding Bitey the same diet as me now--special stuff with lots of supplements. We had no warning at all with Beau but maybe it will buy us some extra days with Bitey. At least we know ahead of time which is priceless.

It is sunny today so we are outside. 60 degrees. And Bitey feels good, not a lot of energy for roaching but still able to!

18 sniff-Arooos:

MurphyDog said...

oh sorry for this news.

Mom says to go on Yahoo Groups and search for Canine Lymphoma. My first kitTON, Sophie, had lymphoma...she lived 4 years after diagnosis.

Mom says most regular vets don't know all the treatment options available. You might want to consider seeing an oncologist (if you haven't already), because based on the type of lymphoma it may be treatable. Not curable...but at least treatable.

wags, wiggles & slobbers

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

We are sooooo sorry to see this news - it is just not fair given all woo've had to go through in the past months -

We KNOW woo will make the time ahead special -


Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Love and hugs to all of you. We're sending positive Maltese and Pug power to Bitey, hoping and praying that he will respond to the steroid treatment. Keep roaching Bitey, we love you.

Raising Addie said...


So very sorry for your loss of Beau and it's just not fair about Bitey.


Love the pic of Bitey and Beau. It is a precious memory :)

Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We have all paws crossed that Bitey gets more time feeling good.

BIG hugs to you and all pups!

Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie, Lucie and Hailey

Ruby and Penny said...

We are sad to know that Bitey has cancer. Sending tonnes & tonnes of doxie feel better rayz his way.
Love Ruby & Penny

Random Felines said...

Oh noes.....we are so sorry about this....we hope you have LOTS of quality time and love with Bitey.

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Mom Kim here- Oh man, this is just WAY to much and so soon too. I know if it were me, I'd probably throw up my hands, scream til the high heavens heard me then grab Bitey and just crawl completely under the covers for a long cry but then I'd realize that wouldn't really do any good (make me feel better for a bit tho) But then I'd come out - spend a lot of time just cradling and talking to Bitey - and say a LOT of prayers. That's what Team Beaglebratz will be doing - the praying part, not the other. I'd also check out what MurphyDog said. We are also sending a lot of healing and good vibes your way.

Pedro said...

Oh gosh, I am soooo sorry. Enjoy your time with your precious boy! Time is a gift, even if it's small.


Dandy Duke said...

Oh no. This is just so not fair after all you've been through in such a short time. Hang in there, Bitey! We're sending tons of positive vibes your way!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh dear, such a very difficult road to travel for your Mom. We are so sorry to hear about Bitey. We agree with the approach she is taking. We hope that Bitey has many good days ahead. Snooter smoochies and gentle hugs to him and to Mom from all of us.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Lorenza said...

I am very sad to know about Bitey. I know you are going to do everything in your hands for him.
My paws are crossed and my mom is praying for Bitey.
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Brandon - The dog with a blog said...

This is such furry sad news, I'm so sorry to hear about Bitey. I know this must be a very hard time for your mom.
My paws are crossed fur him,


Sweepy said...

I just got here and I am sad for everyone. I have lumps too but it does not seem to trouble me. I zap you all with healing lights so there is less pain and you can all recover and heal fast!

Kari in Alaska said...

Our hearts are breaking for you :(

Stop on by for a visit

Rusty said...

I came by to say hi. I want to say how sorry I am to read this about Beau and Bitey.

Achieve1dream said...

So sorry for the bad news. I hope the treatment will buy him some time. Is cancer really common in Beagles? Jackal is half Beagle . . . that worries me, but then there are a million things that could happen so I'll try not to worry lol. We are thinking of you in this tough time.

tubby3pug said...

What a gorgeous dog, I am so sorry for your loss

Urban Hounds

kingslandkennels said...

Nice blog, and nice video
Thanks for sharing...