Thursday, February 2, 2012

Angel Bitey 1999-2012

River's mom: I had to let Bitey go today. We had a wonderful time in the sun with me holding him close. This one hurt a lot.

This is my favorite picture of Bitey. It's grainy and dark but such a great reflection of his personality. He was a mellow alpha dog. No overt bully behavior just one side glance from him and every doggie would know who was boss.

He came into the world with his brother Beau on Labor Day 1999. From the beginning he was an alpha puppy. He would bite a lot. I thought, I could name him Mighty Bitey--then I thought, no, can't name a dog that. But it stuck. He was mostly Bitey but he also  Biteboy and Bitebite.

Here he is at 6 months running like crazy. I love those flying beagle ears.

He would jump up on any horizontal surface--a flying leaper. His brother Beau used to walk the railing and give me heart cramps. No other beagle before or since has done these things like these two brothers.

Keeping the computer seat warm for me.

Always up on something, with his mouth open with a happy smile just like his brother.

My most vivid memory of Bitey:

One day leaving for work I hesitated at the door and Bitey flew out and down the driveway.

We live at the end of a dead end so I wasn't afraid he would get run over. We live in the country so I was afraid he would get SHOT.

I took off after him in my heels (low heels). The woods around my house are dense and I knew that probably my voice wouldn't carry very far. Nevertheless, I called and called and slogged through the underbrush and mud. After about a half an hour I heard Bitey howling. So I called. He howled. He was afraid. That initial rush of flying freedom was fun at first but now he was scared. He realized he was not in any familiar place. We kept calling until we found each other. I picked him up and carried him home, holding him close. I never wanted to hear that howl of fear again...and it never happened again.

His last day, sleeping in an awkward way in the sun.


Run and leap with the wind, Biteboy. Say hello to our beautiful Beau.

26 sniff-Arooos:

Shane Kent Louis said...

Wow, Bitey was so blessed to have you, and he look so energetic and so lovely puppy! Beau nice meeting you :D

It's all About Pet Fences | Dog Fence

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh, how sad. It has been a tough time for you. We are so very sorry to hear about Bitey, but we can tell he was one very loved boy. Soft woos and gentle hugs to you from all of us.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Sam said...

It's been really tough for you, hasn't it. I'm so sorry to hear about Bitey. It was clear he was well loved and he knew it. I love the puppy picture of him running with his ears flapping back.

We'll be thinking of you guys.

Sapphire said...

It's sad that you have to loose so many... like you said... all at once...
Hugs to you and all around you. These pups are too blessed to have you as their mom. You have a big heart.

Dandy Duke said...

Our hearts are breaking for you once again. I just love that memory you shared. Godspeed, Bitey. I'm sure My Maggie has already found you and is welcoming you at The Bridge.

Love ya lots,

Ruby and Penny said...

We are so sorry for your loss. Run with the wind Bitey.
Love Ruby & Penny

Random Felines said...

We are so sorry and sending healing purrs. We know he is running safe and free over the Bridge with Beau.....

Kari in Alaska said...

Rest in peace sweet pup

Stop on by for a visit

Raising Addie said...

:( we are so very sorry. Your heart is enduring so much.

BIG hugs to you. The best comfort is that Bitey and Beau are together.

Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie, Lucie and Hailey

Sweepy said...

Oh what a sad time!
Popsy left yesterday but you know what? Keeper said we should not be sad because they are now both in a place where the sun shines and where nobody ages, nobody gets sick and nobody is left alone ever!

Stay strong.
We love you!

The Animal Doctor said...

Bitey lived a long and wonderful life, at least we are sure about that. Take care. We have you in our thoughts and prayers.

The Secretary

Brandon - The dog with a blog said...

I'm so very sorry for your loss, I know this must be a very sad time for you guys right now.
Sending you lots of furry sweet kisses...


The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

from Mom Kim - Oh how did I miss this? I am so terribly sorry for your loss of Bitey - I knew he was sick but so soon after Beau - this is too much. Your heart must be breaking after going through all of this. So very tragic.

Shiloh'n Shasta here - we are sorry we didn't git tu know Beau an'Bitey more - they look like they were such fun doggiez. We know this iz a furry sad time fer you butt we haf left an award fer you over at our blog. If you are taking a break frum Blogville rite now - we unnerstand - mom and us probably wood tu.

hugsnkisses said...

So sad to hear about the loss of your boys....I know what its like...I still miss Sally everyday but like Bitey and Beau she is in a place where she can run free with no pain and they would be having a ball, running together tugging on each others ears, as beagles do, although I am sure she would be the pack leader and not Bitey....LOL. Hope you are doing ok. So glad to hear River is still so well. I hope and pray he stays that way...such a beautiful boy. Hugs from Sue (Sally's Mum) xx



Thank you for the photos

Lots of LOVE from switzerland
Jacqueline & Max Beagle

Ruger said...

Hi there River, Fank woooo for coming ofer and visiting my bloggie at this such a sad time. I still misses my Neve who went to the Rainbow Bridge last year. We hafed seven weeks once we knowed that that horrible c monster had got her. All your furiends will be together now and looking down on wooo & your humans. You knows that they hafe no owies any more and nufing will make them feels sickies or hurt again, but it is still sad to be wifout them.

finking of wooo at this sad time

Sweepy said...

Woof, I'm back with Keeper!
We wanted to make sure you are alright. If you only live across town we would visit you and give you hugs and drooly kisses.

Stay strong and know that we are thinking of you and that I am just a bark away!

Sweepy with Keeper Lui

Achieve1dream said...

This brought tears to my eyes. I'm so sorry for your loss so soon after Beau. At least they are there together. Hugs.

Lois Lane/Laney said...

So sorry to hear about losing these guys so close to each other. I'm so glad you have other pack members to help each other through this. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, we're so sorry we missed Bitey leaving. It would be so painful to lose two brothers, so close together. We're going to include the handsome pair in our post tomorrow. Pawhugs!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

We are so very sorry to read about Bitey and Beau. Keeping you in our prayers..
~ The Bunch and Mom Bobbie

TimberLove said...

Soft husky woooos,


HoundDogMom said...

We just seen on the Rainbow Bridge blog about Beau so we were stopping by to offer our comfort. Then we see that your beautiful Bitey has joined Beau at the Bridge. I am so sorry for your loss of your 2 beloved fur-babies. Sniffs, The HoundDogs

Peggy Frezon said...

So sorry to hear about Bitey. It is never, ever, ever easy to lose a beautiful best friend like that. He's so beautiful, the expression in his eyes is something else.

kingslandkennels said...

Nice blog, thanks for sharing...

Claudia Robbins said...

I am sorry for your loss. I hope you are doing better.

Claudia at My Beagle Training