Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The start of the treatment

Here I am at RIVER--the clinic named RIVER.

Oh no they are coming to get me.

 Hide me.

They can't see me, right?

From River's mom:
River was taken to another room while I sat in the patient's room. They took blood, x-rays, ultrasound. The oncologist came into the room to speak to me without River so he does not know all this.

He had a grade 2 Mast Cell Tumor. The pathologist said the edges were fairly clean which is good but he couldn't guarantee perfectly clean. The oncologist gave me 3 options for treatment--prednisone/chemo, Palladia, or Kinavet. With River's cancer I could have elected to hope for the 50% non-return but I chose to treat it with a hard punch. Kinavet is the toughest since it is specifically designed for MCT.

It's not cheap and I am working 2 jobs to treat him as long as I can. I am researching holistic lifestyle/diet, supplements, etc.

His first Kinavet pill was yesterday. His energy took a hit and he was sort of unmoving all night. But by this morning he was back to normal. I have already started him on colostrum.

He is happy now and well. I can only pray it will stay that way.


21 sniff-Arooos:

Lorenza said...

Hi, Mom!
My paws are crossed and my mom is praying for River.
We are sure the meds will work for him and he will be like new soon!
We are happy to know he felt better this morning!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

We all here at Team Beaglebratz r crossin'our pawz an'prayin'fer dear River. So glad tu hear he wuz feelin'better this mornin'.

Mom Beaglebratz here-
I am the kind that looks for something positive no matter where it is found such as a good sign - maybe River being treated at a clinic named River is a good sign - two Rivers against the "c"

Kess And Her Mama said...

Hope the treatment works. River is blessed to have a human willing to do all things possible. Keep hoping!

Kari in Alaska said...

We are pulling for your River!


Amber-Mae said...

You're doing a great job! River is so so so lucky to have you as his owner. We're hoping the medication works!

Sierra Rose said...

Oh sweetie pie! We're thinking of you. Be strong...

Sweet hugs,
Sierra Rose

Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

We're also keeping our paws crossed and our puppy prayers said. We sure hope the treatment works and isn't too debilitating. We know how much your mama loves your and how hard she's working to get you the best treatment possible. God bless, sweetie.

Jed & Abby

Duke said...

Our paws are crossed, River. We want so much for this treament to work wonders for you!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Pei In The Life said...

Sounds like cuddling is in order. Mom sends River cuddles, I`m sending some to your Mom.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Lots of Sibe Vibes are flowing your way -

Along with the magikhal khrossed paws!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

All the best to you and River for the treatments to knock that evil "C" out!!!

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Mogley G. Retriever said...

Our paws are crossed for you. Get better, there is still a lot of hands to lick and cats to chase.

Mogley G. Retriever

Laura said...

Thinking of you River xo

Asta said...

I am cwossing my paws fow youw full wecovewy!!!1
'youw Pawents love you sooo vewy much. I know they will help you get totally well
Stay stwong my deew fwiend!
smoochie kisses

Sapphire said...

River: Know that we are thinking of you.
River Mom: Take care of yourself too, be in good health and River is such a lucky dog to have you as his family.

Cinnamon and Mint said...

We hope the treatment works for you, River. We keep sending healing vibes your way xxx

Achieve1dream said...

Poor baby River. I don't like the doctor either.

My prayers are with you.

The Animal Doctor said...

awww river..we are praying for you. you are so lucky to have a mom like your MOM who will do anything for you to get better!

your friends from the animal doctor's blog

Brandon - The dog with a blog said...

Our paws are crossed for you!!

Nancy at the Farm said...

Hi River's Mum,

We want you to know that if you need dollars to help pay for River's treatment, you should contact Mum at nancy@senorpuppypants.com because she feels like she knows you and you are family. And we have loved River for a long time so we think of him as family too.

Love, Dozer and Cooper

WOW Gold said...
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