My mom transports doggies from shelters to their new homes and rescues. This lady, Kelly Gibson, is the miracle worker who arranges all the very long (sometimes 3 days long) transports. She is walking to raise money for the San Diego Humane Society. Please visit her walking donation page and give just a little bit.
We had a note to send support and love and donation help immediately to Autumn from my friend Mango the Maltese kiddo. Autumn's little brother needs a brain scan to see what is happening inside. This is a very sad thing. He is going downhill so fast. I hope they will be able to help him.
Clint the Labradoodle is ready for his other hip! He has an appointment at UT at Knoxville vet school next week. We have no money for this but we are going on faith that people will help when they hear about him. Please visit his site for the donation information: Hips 4 Clint. He is such a good boy and deserves a chance for a new life and a loving family.
This is an award from our pink pitbull friend Daisy! Daisy is such a photogenic girl! Thank you Daisy!

Jackal and Storm gave me an award! I have to tell 10 honest things about myself. Hmm. That's scary!
1. I love my mom more than anybody and anything, even food!
2. I don't like Davoo but I'm trying to be nice to him.
3. I don't like puppies at all but I try to be nice to them.
4. I like to run and run and run.
5. I like to drag my mom's nightrobe around the house with me.
6. I sit in the living room window and wait for my mom to come home from work everyday.
7. I like to play with all the grown foster doggies that we take care of.
8. I only let my mom work on the computer for 10 min. at a time. I think she then deserves a break.
9. If I am 5 feet from my mom I get upset.
10. I love sitting on the Dead Treadmill and watching my mom as she writes.
I'm supposed to give this to my friends so I am! If you haven't had this award yet then please take it.
Here is the box I received from Mango the Relentlessly Huge for my First Runner up in the Alternate Westminster competition. Not that Mango was late in sending--my mom is late is posting about it. Here is the box. I'm tired of waiting for my mom to open it. Come on, Mom! Do it now!