Friday, December 5, 2008

Vacation Photos

My mom is back!
She caught me snuggling with Natalie. Oops!! Well, after all, she turned down the heat and we had to huddle up to stay warm.

My mom and her mom visited the gardens where they saw 50 bazillion poinsettias.

They visited the horticulture center with lots of plants and waterfalls.

They saw hawks and owls at the sanctuary.

And here are the lights! 8 million. The lights tour is FIVE miles long. This is what one scene looks like in the daytime. Then watch the movie of what my mom saw at night of the same thing.

Here are poinsettias in lights--the flowers were 5 feet tall. My mom & her mom were on an open trolley. It was 30 degrees. They had lots of blankets.

Here is a blizzard in lights. You can hear my mom singing along.

And we got so MANY cards in the mail and online. It's wonderful, it's marvelous! We will put them up as part of our holiday decorations. And I got some awards! Thank you, Holly & Zac! And a prize from Addie!

27 sniff-Arooos:

Lorenza said...

Hi, River!
Glad your mom is back!
She went to a pawesome place! I loved the videos!
Congratulations on your awards!
Kisses and hugs

The Zoo Crew said...

That looks like an awesome tour of lights!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Rut Roh!

Woo likes woo were khaught RedBeaglePawed!

Furry nice lights!

Tank woo fur sharing and welkhome bakhk to woo AND your mom!


Lacy said...

w00f's, glad u mama iz back and happy her and her mama Had fun...those lights iz bute ti ful...congrats on uraward...

b safe,

ThePainterPack said...

I bet you'd be fun to snuggle with!! **wink**

Mya Boo Boo

Dughallmor Beagles said...

Wow!! The light show looks amazing, but we like the horticulture centre best....and River caught snuggling with Natalie of course!
Glad you had a good time,
Slobbers xx

Princess Eva and Brice said...

It's always nice when they come back. But we seem to act the same no matter how long they were gone - 5 hours or 5 days. The humans get mauled either way.

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Wow the lights are beautiful.. Mom is so lucky..
Hey Sis is somewhere in Georgia this week. She works on the networking team for Mary Kay and had to update all the routers.. Mom doesn't remember the name of the town. She just knows it is some little place..
Have a great day....

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Raising Addie said...

WOW thank you for sharing the pictures and video from your trip!

It is a blast from the past for my mom!


Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

oh wow, that light show looks really cool.

and you are welcome. we do love reading your blog. :-)

Your pals,
Holly & Zac

Dughallmor Beagles said...

Hey guys, it's us again! We got an award today and wanted to pass it on to you, looks like you already have it though....surprise, surprise! You can always pick it up again...
Slobbers xx

Dexter said...

Totally cool!
Your mom should have brought you, though, to help her stay warm. Brrr.


Simcha said...

Did she bring you back a gift or something?

Amber-Mae said...

WOWEE!!! What loverly lights! Your hoomans certainly had a blast!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Duke said...

Our mom just got back from Florida today, River, and she helped us open your beautiful Christmas card! Thank you so very much! We love your card - and mom loves the pictures of those beautiful poincettias!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Kapp pack said...

Glad to hear your mom is home safe and sound! Those lights are something else!

Butt wiggles, Meadow

Lindsay said...

It is totally acceptable close to another doggy to keep warm. It doesn't mean you love Natalie or anything. Geez, what an over-reaction! Not like it means anything...

Glad your Mom is home!

Brown dog kisses,

Toffee said...

Wow! What a neat light show!

You two look so cute snuggling together - body heat is the best way to stay warm!

Pedro said...


Nice lights! We got your card! Ours are going out tomorrow so be on the lookout!


Lois Lane/Laney said...

Look at all those pretty flowers!

Xsara and Tani said...

Glad your mom is back, I bet she missed you like crazy.

Unknown said...

We love white (pinkish) poinsetta, but this year are aren't any for sale around here. We have red ones at the gallery, but none at home because they are so poison. And of course, Madison eats everything that isn't made out of stone! Oh wait, she eats those too!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

That looks like your mom had a good trip, but I think she should have taken you with her!

Anonymous said...

It looks like your Mom had a great trip. I am sure you are very glad to have her back! XOXO Peanut

Thor and Jack said...

Hi River!
Glad your Mom is back! Looks like she had a lot of fun! I like your videos! Beautiful lights!
Congrats on your awards! I have an award for you too! Come to my blog.

Love and licks

L said...

We're glad your mom is back. What beautiful lights.

Thank you so much for the card. It's so festive!

Mino said...

Only 2 words to sum it all up...
Simply amazing!!