My mom entered this picture in the movie contest for the cutest dog of the season. We got the idea from Sierra Rose who is also extremely cute. (my mom has voted twice for her bol). Please vote for us, too!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Biscuit | A Dog Named Christmas
Posted by River at 11:35 PM 16 sniff-Arooos
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
This is Scarlet. We saw her picture on Lorenza's site. Scarlet lives in the Phillippines. She needs a wheeled cart to make her life so much better. A lab organization has promised $500. Scarlet's mom just needs to raise the other $600 or so. Please help with a little bit! Click on her picture to go to her site. We gave some of our Christmas toy money to help out!
This is a fun and easy contest with Miss Kylie. All you have to do is comment during the Christmas season and you are entered into a contest!
It's a beautiful day today so beagles appear in the yard like magic or mushrooms! Can you see the blue sky?
My mom has been frying onions and celery and potatoes to add to her sourdough bread for her stuffing. She said we can have some, too. It sure makes the house smell good! She says it's the sage because she dumps in about a pound of it. Sage is grass, right? Okay, then.
Posted by River at 2:49 PM 21 sniff-Arooos
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Weekend in Ga
Saturday morning. Some bad beagle dragged a trashbag outside so we could examine it. We examined it real good, don't you think?

Posted by River at 9:08 PM 10 sniff-Arooos
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Worldwide moment for Ms. Snickers
We will be joining the DWB community in a moment of silence in support of Ms. Snickers. For us here in Georgia it will be 6pm.
My mom personally knows 2 beautiful saluki mixes that returned with a soldier--but only after a great deal of work on his part to get them home to the U.S. AND, he was only allowed to bring 2 when he had 3. Imagine how horrible that was--to leave one behind and having to choose...!! Please help more soldiers bring home the doggie companions they grew to love and appreciate during their deployments. Click on this link:
Posted by River at 10:03 AM 3 sniff-Arooos
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Good news Sunday
Good news! The chihuahua family is gone. They are on their way to a new life.
No more of this nerve-wracking watching out for puppies so I can relax life!

Dot had her second treatment for heartworms and did great. We will soon have a transport for her to go to the rescue on the west coast in San Diego.

Here is a cool picture of Mousse in the leaves--he's almost invisible except for the laser eyes!

Another cool picture of me, then Mousse then Petey against the tree with the crazy white puppy about to pounce on somebody.

Do I still look nervous?

I can watch out of the corner of my eye real good.

Dot and I are relaxing inside. I'm keeping an eye on Mousse though. He likes to jump from the chair to the couch real sudden like.

Posted by River at 8:58 PM 14 sniff-Arooos
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Sunday morning at River's
The sun is out at last and it looks like we will have a sunny week!
We are still swamped with the puppies but we have a big yard for everyone to run in. Dot is feeling much better after her heartworm treatment and has fun shredding some bedding. My mom has been off to a science fiction convention where she got to talk about writing. Her life is exciting, ours not so much but we like it that way!
I received an award from Cookie and Cinnamon! Thank you for a very pretty one.

The rules of the “One Lovely Blog Award” are:
Accept the award
Post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.
Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered.
Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
My mom apologizes. She is exhausted from all the partying (snort). She loves and appreciates all the DWB bloggers and awards this award to all of them rather than choosing 15 (she admits it would take hours to do the web links and stuff but it does not mean she doesn't appreciate everyone!)
I hope you all have a good week!
Posted by River at 9:14 PM 12 sniff-Arooos