Monday, February 23, 2009
Working for the Snuggle Puggle
Posted by River at 9:20 PM 22 sniff-Arooos
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Sunny Sunday fun
Hi Evfurryone! It's been a busy week so we're playing on the weekend! First I had to chew on an itch.
Posted by River at 2:38 PM 21 sniff-Arooos
Sunday, February 15, 2009
First runner up!!
I won First Runner Up in the Mango-minster competition!! That is awesome. Thank you judges. I believe that Waldo is a beautiful animal and totally deserved to win. What an honor to be among so many cool, funny and creative doggies.
No picture at this minute. My mom has been busy transporting doggies and finally getting us cable TV so she's kinda tired. We will return with pictures as soon as we can.
Posted by River at 10:34 PM 26 sniff-Arooos
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
I won the Hound Group!

I can't believe it.

I have been tagged by Daisy and Dozer. I promise I will be better about doing them. I hope you all don't mind this post first.
Posted by River at 10:17 PM 33 sniff-Arooos
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Beam me up! More transporting
Another Saturday transport for my mom. This time it was 18 dogs going 800 miles using 37 volunteer drivers to transport them. It makes her feel good so I said it was okay with me. She promised to be back in time to enjoy the sun with us.
She carried three doggies in her Honda. This is Franny the bluetick beagle/doxie. She drooled a lot in the car but was a sweet dog. My mom also drove Lovey-Dovey the black lab/newf and Clem the red heeler mix. All most excellent dogs according to my mom.

Posted by River at 9:38 PM 25 sniff-Arooos
Thursday, February 5, 2009
This isn't Skywatch Friday but my mom has been so crazy about the sunsets lately she took bunches of pictures. The camera doesn't show all the pretty colors but you can see some--sort of salmon and turquoise. I wonder if it smells like fish up close? The squiggle is bird poop on the car windshield. We didn't get this up in time for working for the Snuggle Puggle but here I am enjoying Sunday doing what I love to do--which is walking along the cut up tree trunk and hanging out with the pack.
Posted by River at 7:31 AM 29 sniff-Arooos