Thursday, November 6, 2008

100th post, a small memory and an award!

I've finally hit 100! 100 blog posts. I am very happy to have met so many furfriends from all over the world these past six months. Everyone is so full of love and creativity. It brightens our days to read your blogs.

For those who have not read my story in the very first blog, I will tell about it here. This is how I came to be with my mom.

I was rescued by a kind woman after a car hit me (not my mom, this was another someone).
I ended up in the emergency clinic called RIVER and that's how I got my name. My front leg was broken and they folded up newspapers and wrapped it up.
Meanwhile, the hospital called SOS Beagles. SOS Beagles called in a foster mom (my mom) and I went home with her one day. It was rough because I was so scared. I didn't know how to behave. I growled at everybody. But it wasn't too long before all the love they were trying to show me actually helped me feel better. My foster mom loved me so much she didn't want to give me up. She cried when I left.
She thought it was best for me since she already had so many beagles. After my leg healed, I went on a long trip to a new home. All the way to New Jersey.

My foster mom told SOS Beagles that if my first adoption didn't work out she absolutely wanted me back. She wanted me back!
Well, I must have heard that because that adoption really didn't work out. I growled a lot so they moved me to a foster home in New Jersey to wait for a ride back to my first foster mom.

My mom -- my first foster mom -- worked hard;she called and called and sent emails. She was scared they would send me somewhere else. She finally drove many miles to get me.

I wagged my tail as soon as I saw her--it was just like I never left! And when I got to the house--I danced around wagging my tail, happy to see everyone. I was back home. My foster mom was now my REAL mom.

She cried she was so happy. She knew, as did I, that we were meant to be together forever.

And to make today even more wonderful, my friend Dannon gave me an award. Thanks, Dannon! And from my friends, Holly & Zac!! Thank you!

24 sniff-Arooos:

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Happy 100th blog day!!! we did not know your story - we are all teary-eyed with joy for woo and your mom. All our wuv for woo.

Woos, the OP Pack

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Evfurrything the OP Pakhk said!

I didn't know your story either -

We always know the mom's we should have -

I kind of pikhked mine too!

Hugz, Khysses, and Khongrats!

Raising Addie said...

River you are the luckiest dog I know with a wonderful forever home!

Congratulations on your award!

Cocoa the Beagle said...

Congrats on the 100 posts and your award too!

Oh you poor pup getting in an accident, you must had been very frightened! Your mom is really a wonderful lady! AROOOOOO!!

Cocoa and Barley

Lorenza said...

Hi, River!
Congratulations! 100 posts!
I am so happy to be your friend!
Thanks for sharing your story!
I know how happy you are now!
Kisses and hugs

BrandytheGreat said...

Wow, Happy 100th!
And such a sad but inspiring story you got there! Glad to have met you!

i said...

Congrats on your 100th post and the lovely award! What a touching story! Glad you and your mom found each other.

Lacy said...

w00f's River and all, congrats on ur 100th post...and ur award...dat iz shuch a nice story of how u and ur mama goted iz very happy u did..

b safe,

Dughallmor Beagles said...

Aaarrroooo! Well done on getting to 100.......and on your award! Cool story too xx

Kess And Her Mama said...

Congratulations on your 100th post! What an achievement. Thanks for sharing the story of how you came to live with your humans. It sure warms the heart!

Lois Lane/Laney said...

That made me tear up, just reading your story! You're a lucky pup to find a mom that loves you so much!

Thor and Jack said...

Congrats on your 100th post! Thanks for sharing your story! I am so happy you found your Mom!
Congrats on your award too!

Love and licks

Unknown said...

What a lovely story, River. See you were meant to be with your mom from the very beginning, it just took the humans a while to really figure it out! We are so glad that you went full circle and got back to your forever mom! The photo of you at the green fence is beautiful.

Eduardo said...

Congrats on your 100th post River! You made my Mommy cry! She such a big baby! She gets teary eyes all the time! Mommy says you & your Mommy were meant to be together! Your Mommy is such a wonderful person! Congrats on your Award as well!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Toffee said...

What a sweet story River.

we share something in common - I was found on the side of the road after being hit by a car too! I had multiple pelvic fractures and a fractured right hind tibia and fibula. The Ohio state vet school fixed me up and when my mom was visiting on an external rotation she met me. She had just lost a dog (a jack russell who died suddenly) and was looking for a friend for her dog, Bagel (a beagle mix). She had already said that she would take Riley (my brother) but when she met me she wanted to save me. Someone else had already signed up to adopt me if no one claimed me and then at the last minute on the day that mom was leaving for home the other person backed out!

I think that we are all fortunate to have found each other!

Deetz said...

What a wonderful story River! I am sorry you had to get a broken leg to find your forever home. Whatever works, right! I love you
and happy 100th posty.

Dandy Duke said...

Congratulations on your 100th post, River!
You and your mom are soulmates! This was meant to be! We are so very happy for the both of you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

Congrats on your 100th post River.

We didn't know your story, it started so sad but ended so happy.

We don't know if you saw but we have given you the same award as Dannan.

You have a really great blog River. :-)

Ruby and Penny said...

Hi River
Happy 100th blog post. Your forever home sounds wonderful. Full of love and lots of friends to play with.
This is my 1st time sniffing by here, I would love to come again.

Ruby the Mini Dachshund

Simcha said...

wow River...did not know your story. You've had a tough journey my friend. But I love stories with happy endings.


congrats on the 100th post.

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Congrats on your 100th post and another 100 to come.
Hi, my name is Mango, I'm glad to have found your blog today.
Thanks for sharing the story how you met your Mom. She has a heart of gold. You two're being made for each other, what a happy ending fairy tale!
Please come visit mine, most of your friends also are my friends too, can we be friends, please?

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

That is just wonderful. Mom always says things happen for a reason. You were ment to be with your mom..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

River, we are so happy you found your way back to your Mom. We are very sorry you got hit by a car and hurty your leg though. ~S,S & C

Mino said...

Happy 100th posts! Congratulations for e award...

Wow! River... that's how you got your name and how you met your mum!
*Patz pawz* You r definitely in good care! Look at all your cute and lovely pics... wonderful time! =)
