Monday morning:
Scooby: Okay everyone she's gone! Great job distracting her, Riv. She totally forgot to put the goodie box back up.

Scooby: Okay everyone she's gone! Great job distracting her, Riv. She totally forgot to put the goodie box back up.
Posted by River at 9:36 PM 22 sniff-Arooos
{Mom note: this is an incredible box of goodies from our friend Carol in NJ. She adopted 2 beagles from me: Twinkie and Sweet Pea. What a wonderful life they have. Thank you, Carol! We love you!!}
Posted by River at 10:31 PM 17 sniff-Arooos
This is what we're doing on Black Friday. No shopping! Too crazy for my mom.
Can you find all the treadmills in the picture? Our backyard is a Treadmill Graveyard. My mom wears them out then what do you do with them? You put them in the backyard so doggies can use them as sundecks! I'm running to claim this one. See Scooby racing, too, just behind me.
Posted by River at 11:49 AM 10 sniff-Arooos
She rejected this one. Too bright.
Then I moved again making it blurry and it looked like my head was on fire. Ack!!!
And then there was one that was JUST RIGHT.
You'll have to wait for that one! Esp. since she just sent off the order for cards with my snout on them.
Posted by River at 12:00 AM 22 sniff-Arooos
I show Graham how to take a flying leap and give him a tour of the woods.
Posted by River at 7:20 PM 15 sniff-Arooos
My mom shot some video of Graham playing but it's too dark. She comes home in the dark now so it's hard to get good pictures of us. She promises to do better on Saturday a day on which she is NOT on call and ISN'T transporting anything (although she just missed out on tranporting an English setter named Bill, someone else volunteered).
Thank you to our sweet friend Addie who is now 9 months old for the multiple awards! Here they are:
And this last one from Addie and our beagle friends in Scotland the Dughallmor Beagles, thank you!!
We would like to give them to friends who haven't received all of them yet (my mom investigated!):
Holly & ZacPosted by River at 12:27 PM 14 sniff-Arooos
Posted by River at 12:30 PM 20 sniff-Arooos
This is our beautiful friend, Xsara. She is ill and she and her family could use everyone's prayers right now. Please visit her site and leave a note. We are howling for you, sweet girl.
Posted by River at 4:51 PM 13 sniff-Arooos
So we're reading our friend's blogs and my mom starts playing the video of Snoop on the beach of the Dughallmor beagles and this is what happened at our house!
We howled along with Snoop. We are thankful for our faraway friends!
Posted by River at 3:12 PM 12 sniff-Arooos
Posted by River at 9:38 PM 23 sniff-Arooos
Posted by River at 2:35 PM 24 sniff-Arooos
I've finally hit 100! 100 blog posts. I am very happy to have met so many furfriends from all over the world these past six months. Everyone is so full of love and creativity. It brightens our days to read your blogs.
Posted by River at 8:40 PM 24 sniff-Arooos
Today is a very pretty day, high 60s, sunny and peaceful. My nose is all better. I still can't say what really happened to it.
Here is our driveway. Isn't it pretty? Leaves are just starting to turn here, although the dry weather makes the colors not quite as bright.
My mom waited too late in the day (too much shadow) but you can just see the darker blue part of the mountain through the trees.
Here is how dry our yard is--it's even killing the weeds that Daisy is wandering through.
Please notice that we have raised $4000 for Clint! He will have his operation in early December now.
UPDATE: We wanted to give a shout out to Robin L. Sidwell of Impressions by Robin. She is a professional photographer in New England who donated her time, expertise and fees to the Clint fund. She does some incredible work. Thanks, Robin!! It makes mom cry to think how wonderful people can be.
Also please remember to keep voting for the shelter that is sponsoring him For the love of Dogs. It is going to cost $9000 altogether. We can win $25,000 if we get enough votes. There is a purple button on the right you can click to get to the voting page. Thank you!!
Posted by River at 4:00 PM 22 sniff-Arooos