Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

This is Scarlet. We saw her picture on Lorenza's site. Scarlet lives in the Phillippines. She needs a wheeled cart to make her life so much better. A lab organization has promised $500. Scarlet's mom just needs to raise the other $600 or so. Please help with a little bit! Click on her picture to go to her site. We gave some of our Christmas toy money to help out!

This is a fun and easy contest with Miss Kylie. All you have to do is comment during the Christmas season and you are entered into a contest!

It's a beautiful day today so beagles appear in the yard like magic or mushrooms! Can you see the blue sky?My mom has been frying onions and celery and potatoes to add to her sourdough bread for her stuffing. She said we can have some, too. It sure makes the house smell good! She says it's the sage because she dumps in about a pound of it. Sage is grass, right? Okay, then.

Happy Thanksgiving! It is a good day to think about the blessings we have in our friends and families.

21 sniff-Arooos:

Sierra Rose said...

Great post River! So nice that you donated some toy money! We'll go check over on Lorenza's site.
Looks like some nice fall leaves out there!

Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

What a kind and gentle fella woo are!

Happy Thanksgiving!

PeeEssWoo: Mom is drooling thinking about the filling!

Anonymous said...

Hi River! I don't think we have formally sniffed yet! I'm Miss Kylie!! I sure am glad you caught word of my contest and are helping to spread it! :) This is going to be a great year! I sure hope you don't mind if I spot by and read up on you! Feel free to drop me a line next time you are by!


Stella said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you, your Mom and your rescue pups! I know lots of pups have been thankful for what your Mom does over the year and we are too.


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We are going to do something for little Scarlet too.

Our mom makes a stuffing a lot like that but she adds hamburger to it too. Everyone always is surprised that we have a meat stuffing in our turkey but it is really delicious.

Good to see all the beagles out in the sun having fun.

Happy Thanksgiving, the OP Pack

Ms. ~K said...

Nice to meet you Rivers.
Our mom always read the Shiloh books to her students when she taught school.
We live in Ga too!
Wrooo wrooo,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy

Lorenza said...

Hi, River!
Thanks for telling about Scarlet. I am sure she will get her wheelies soon!
Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
Kisses and hugs

The Animal Doctor said...

Hi River, I'm glad I finally found your blog. My friend Aki's Manang( from the Mad Labs and Hug Dogs blog) helped me out because I didnt have your link.

Wow, Im surprised to find my picture in your post! Thank you so much for going out of your way to help me with my fund raising. I really appreciate it.

I'll be back!

love, Scarlet

Martha said...

Happy Thanksgiving River to you and your family.
We love the sound of dinner!!!!
How nice to donate some of your toy money to Scarlet's fund - you are right we dogs have everything we need - and Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on our blessing - well having said that we dont have Thanksgiving in Scotland but that is our understanding and we love the sound of it.
Martha & Bailey xxx

Duke said...

You guys are so loving and giving!
We're so glad you're getting to taste the stuffing, River! We want the pumpkin pie!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Happy Turkey Day to you all too..
Our house smells really yummy too..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Canine Crusader said...

Moms stuffing sounds fabulous, River! I hope there are left-overs for you guys! Our Mom has a lot of work before Dec. 1, after that she'll be back and we'll be reading over recent posts. The weather is great over here in Bama too. Enjoy your day! Happy Thankgiving!

The Oceanside Animals said...

Happy Thanksgiving, River!

Piappies World said...

Happy Thanksgiving Day, River, mom and family!

So sweet of you to have a post about Scarlet. We are also giving some help to get closer to her dream of being mobile again.

Enjoy the celebration & the treats!

-Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Scrappy & Bullet

Jans Funny Farm said...

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!

We hope Scarlet will get her wheeled cart.

Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

It looks like a beautiful day there. :-)

Happy Thanksgiving!

Holly & Zac

Dexter said...

Happy Thanksgiving River and crew. Looks like you had a beautiful day. It was grey and rainy here, but I wasn't bothered. Nice to have everybody here.


Thor and Jack said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family River!

Scout and Freyja said...

Wishing you and yours the most blessed of days as we break bread with friends and family or spend our time as a volunteer with any one of the numerous charities in need of our time and talents.

Peace, plenty, prosperity - my wish for the United States of America.

pam said...

Hey guess what? Beagles don't grow wild in Michigan. Can you believe it?

Bobo and Meja (the most wonderfulest of SharPei)

Cinnamon and Mint said...

Really look like mushrooms!! He he.