Friday, June 22, 2012

RIP Jazz

 Oh, Jazz. You just turned 9 in May and now you are gone. It's so unfair. We will miss you so much. We loved to read about your life in Japan with Dixie and the new baby. Another fast moving disease that no one could diagnose. You can meet our friend Bolo and our beagles Bitey and Beau. Run with the wind, ears flapping, sweet girl.

8 sniff-Arooos:

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

And Sadie too -

Too many furiends and furiends of furiends have khrossed recently -

Run Free Jazz!


TimberLove said...

Soft husky woooos,

RA, Isis & Nanük

Lorenza said...

I loved to read about her life in Japan too!
Our thoughts are with her family.
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Duke said...

Thank you for letting us know. We will head over to her blog now.

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

ThePainterPack said...

More sadness. Thank you for letting us know.

Asta said...

Too many deew fwiends have left us lately, I'm sowwy Jazz had to go, and wight aftew Bolo, and Now's so unfaiw..ouw heawts awe heavy wif sadnessSmoochie kisses


Just seeing this post now. Thank you so much for your kind words about our Jazz. So sorry to hear your sad news too. Hope they all meet over the bridge and can run free from pain. I have been reading Dog Heaven to Rena and she's happy to know Jazz will be with lots of other great dogs!

Mary Lou said...

I do not know how this Blog post was overlooked on my behalf!! :-(
"Run with the wind, ears flapping, sweet girl.". That last sentence broke my heart.... Because Rose runs like the Beagle within her!! I love it!! ;op