Saturday, August 8, 2009

No camera--updated

(old photo)
My mom is very annoyed. She has not found the camera. She agrees with the Dughallmor beagles that AFTER she buys a new one she will find it. Otherwise, we have to think the worst of human beings, that they stole it from her suitcase. You do not want to annoy my mom!!

To trick the universe, she is going to buy a cheap one time use...

We have a little labragurl to foster now named Maisy. She is wild and smart and sweet. Mousse loves to run in the yard with her. And this weekend we will rescue 6 puppies from a bad place.

Tonight she is transporting a beagle named Peaches sponsored by SOS Beagles and Luke the English Setter sponsored by Above and Beyond English Setter Rescue. She tries to do transports early or late in the day because we still have no AC in the car! She will post pictures if we get some.
My mom went to lunch with a rescue buddy and then they went to Wal-Mart. Guess what she brought home?? Well, not to our home but to one of our puppymeister people. A family had 'free puppies' in the barking lot--black lab puppies on the tarmac in the hot sun WITH NO WATER!! My mom swooped down and took them all. She and her friend drove fast to a place with a pool and put them in the water--the puppies were so hot they wouldn't drink. The puppymeister has now taken over and will give them fluids. Mom says that lunch was too exciting. She thinks the puppies will be okay now. Oh, yeah, she borrowed a camera for the transport this evening.

14 sniff-Arooos:

Martha said...

Sorry to hear about the camera - not sure how your mum will get the pictures!
Six rescue puppies sounds like a lot of hard work!
Maisy sounds sweet. Let's hope all these pups find good forever homes.
Martha & Bailey xx

The Army of Four said...

Totally crummy about the camera - I hope it turns up!
You and your mom ROCK for all the rescue work you do!
Tail wags,
PS: I love that picture of you!!!

Lorenza said...

Hi, River!
Sorry about the camera.
Sounds like a busy weekend!
Many new friends at your home!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We hopes the AC in the car gets fixed soon. It is still brutally hot here even when I go to Doggie Obedience School at 6:20PM. ~Fenris

Princess Eva and Brice said...

Your mom is so good to those in need. Thank Dog that your mom came along in time to rescue those poor puppies!

Princess Eva

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Such a good mom with all the work she does for rescue. She surely deserves to have that camera re-appear.

Tail wags, the OP Pack

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Maybe Tweedles Magikh Bubble khan find your mom's khamera!

Your mom soooo rokhks - but WOO knew that already!


Duke said...

Bless your mom for helping out the Labbie pups!
This is such a bummer about her camera!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

You are correct, the camera is waiting until mom buys a friend for it and then it will come out of hiding.


Achieve1dream said...

How awful! Those poor puppies. I'm glad you saw them and took them away. Good luck with the transports.

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Oh we are so proud of mom. That just isn't right to leave those puppies in the hot sun with no water.. Way to go mom

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Ice Pony Girl said...

Puppy hero!! Who's going to keep those cute puppies??

Daisy Dog said...

Your mom is my hero!

Nancy at the Farm said...

We love that older picture of you! Tell Mum to get on the stick and get pictures of you up!

Love, Dozer, Dottie and Cooper