Sunday, April 19, 2009

Friends who need help and Awards!

My mom transports doggies from shelters to their new homes and rescues. This lady, Kelly Gibson, is the miracle worker who arranges all the very long (sometimes 3 days long) transports. She is walking to raise money for the San Diego Humane Society. Please visit her walking donation page and give just a little bit.

We had a note to send support and love and donation help immediately to
Autumn from my friend Mango the Maltese kiddo. Autumn's little brother needs a brain scan to see what is happening inside. This is a very sad thing. He is going downhill so fast. I hope they will be able to help him.

Clint the Labradoodle is ready for his other hip! He has an appointment at UT at Knoxville vet school next week. We have no money for this but we are going on faith that people will help when they hear about him. Please visit his site for the donation information: Hips 4 Clint. He is such a good boy and deserves a chance for a new life and a loving family.

This is an award from our pink pitbull friend Daisy! Daisy is such a photogenic girl! Thank you Daisy!

Jackal and Storm gave me an award! I have to tell 10 honest things about myself. Hmm. That's scary!

1. I love my mom more than anybody and anything, even food!

2. I don't like Davoo but I'm trying to be nice to him.

3. I don't like puppies at all but I try to be nice to them.

4. I like to run and run and run.

5. I like to drag my mom's nightrobe around the house with me.

6. I sit in the living room window and wait for my mom to come home from work everyday.

7. I like to play with all the grown foster doggies that we take care of.

8. I only let my mom work on the computer for 10 min. at a time. I think she then deserves a break.

9. If I am 5 feet from my mom I get upset.

10. I love sitting on the Dead Treadmill and watching my mom as she writes.

I'm supposed to give this to my friends so I am! If you haven't had this award yet then please take it.

Here is the box I received from Mango the Relentlessly Huge for my First Runner up in the Alternate Westminster competition. Not that Mango was late in sending--my mom is late is posting about it. Here is the box. I'm tired of waiting for my mom to open it. Come on, Mom! Do it now!

Oops, my mom's camera won't let her upload. We will need to try another cable of some kind. So, more pictures, next time, I hope!

20 sniff-Arooos:

Lorenza said...

Hi, River!
We will try to help them.
We are so sad with Autumn's brother condition. We have been praying for him.
Good luck to Kelly and Clint.
Congratulations on your award
I will be waiting for more pictures!
Have a good night
Kisses and hugs
Lorenza and mom

Thor and Jack said...

Hi River,
We´re praying and sending lots of good vibes to Autumn´s brother.
All the best for him, Kelly and Clint.
Congrats on your great awards. Well deserved!

Thor and mom

Princess Eva and Brice said...

Momma's card is a little thin but we'll steal it tomorrow to help Kelly.

Princess Eva

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I'll ekhho what my furiend The Princess Eva pawed!

We always when and how we khan...

Khongrats on your MANGO Minster 2009! It was a furry tough decision for the BIS judge ;-)

Tank woo fur sharing your fakhts too!

PeeEssWoo: Woo should see the pups Mom is expekhting to transport this khoming weekend!!!

The Oceanside Animals said...

Congratulations on your awards -- they are well-deserved!

Achieve1dream said...

My Mommy hates those cables too. She gripes about them all the time. Of course I chewed her's in half, so I got a few words too. :) I enjoyed reading your ten honest things and look forward to more pictures.

Martha said...

Congratulations on your well deserved Awards. Thanks for the pupdates - we do hope everyone gets better!
We liked reading your ten honest things - we like to be near our mum too!
Martha & Bailey xx

Duke said...

We're sending lots of AireZen Autumn's brother's way!
Congratulations on your awards, River! You are very deserving!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Allison Walton said...

We iz sorree dat we cannot help yur furiends right now wif money, but we will cross arr paws for all of dem. Tank woo fur helping dem!

Congwatuwashuns on yur awardz! Woo deesurv dem!

Gus and Waldo

i said...

I'm keeping paws crossed for the doggies.

Congrats on your award!

Anonymous said...

Hi River! Very interesting honest things about yourself. I like to keep my mom in my sight, too. Thanks for having such a big heart for all dogs.

Your pal,

Jans Funny Farm said...

Congrats on the awards, River. You are very deserving of them.

We popped over to leave purrs and woofs for Autumn's brother Axl. We hope he will be okay.

And Clint has just got to get his hip operation. You are so good to care so much about others.

Ruby and Penny said...

Hi River
Congrats on all your awards. Your a good dog to love your mom so much and want to protect her.
We hope Axl and Clint get the help they need.
Love Ruby & Penny

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

What awesome awards..
So what is in the box??

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Southbaygirl said...

Hi River, I hope you had a nice weekend with your mom!!



Pedro said...


I hope all those dawgs get better and get what they need. I'll say paws for them. WHAT WAS IN THE BOX? The suspense is killing me!


Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Thanks River for responding to my begging. Your visit, support and keeping your paws crossed for Autumn's brother, baby Axl means a lot to me, buddy!
Love you.
Please e-mail your address to me at if you don't mind, thanks.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Hi River, we had a vistor last night. Our Mommy says she is a beagle like you. She has pretty brown eyes and a pretty gold sparkly collar so we are hoping we can find her humans. She doesn't like it outside and keeps trying to run inside so we thinks she is an inside doggie. She is afraid of Fenris and tries to bite him so we can't put her in the back with him. And she chases us cats. Poor Scylla is currently stuck up a tree. ~S,S,C & F

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Daddy put her on a leash and walked around the neighborhood until he found her family. They didn't seem to care very much that she was missing, they weren't even looking for her. They said they got her a few weeks ago and she won't stay at their house. But they don't have a fenced yard and it sounds as if they leave her alone a lot. We are very sad for her. We hopes she doesn't come back cause we live on a very busy road and she had to cross the road to get here. ~Fenris

Charlie Daniels said...

G'day River

Just checking in .. hope all is well! :-)

