Thursday, February 5, 2009

This isn't Skywatch Friday but my mom has been so crazy about the sunsets lately she took bunches of pictures. The camera doesn't show all the pretty colors but you can see some--sort of salmon and turquoise. I wonder if it smells like fish up close? The squiggle is bird poop on the car windshield.

We didn't get this up in time for working for the Snuggle Puggle but here I am enjoying Sunday doing what I love to do--which is walking along the cut up tree trunk and hanging out with the pack.

My mom says to say she is sorry. Due to budget cuts, she has lost all her help at work and is now doing the work of SIX people. Yes, she is glad she still has a job but it makes her so tired. I help all I can by keeping her warm. It's been down to 8 degrees at night here!

29 sniff-Arooos:

Nancy at the Farm said...

Tell your Mum to look for Venus in the sky at night, it is the biggest, brightest star during the month of February. That will make her smile.

Love, Dozer, Dottie and Cooper

Princess Eva and Brice said...

Make sure that your mom is taking time for herself. We know that it's hard to find the time but it really helps.

Princess Eva

Michelle said...

Beautiful sky photos. I love them!

It is so difficult to capture those colors in the sky. The earth makes some amazing made technology just cannot keep up.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Brrrrr. We've been in the teens at night but that's still a bit warmer than you. We try to keep Jan warm too but there's a lot of her. Course there are a lot of us, but she should have gotten a bigger bed so we could ALL fit!

Hope your mom is okay.

Martha said...

Liked your video - it made us start barking!
Nice sky pics too - tell your mum to take time out!
martha & bailey xx

Deetz said...

That is so funny your mum takes pictures like my mum, while driving with stuff on her windshields....bol.
Beautiful, just Beautiful

Dughallmor Beagles said...

Hey River, your Mom took beautiful sky shots....our Mum just loves sunsets (did you guess?!)
Personally we preferred your cool video....aaarrroooo!
Slobbers xx

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

What beautiful pictures of the sunset!!!

It looks like woo guys have your own dog bark park. That tree trunk looks like a fun thing to climb on. Any tunnels there too?

Tail wags, the OP Pack

Duke said...

Your mom's sunset pictures are just beautiful, River!
Give your mom a hug from us and tell her not to work too hard!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Ruby and Penny said...

Hi River
Your mom took some great pictures. I love the salmon and different hues of grey together.
You do a great job working, keeping your mom warm. I hope your mom will be less tired once she figures out a routine and some shortcuts.
Love Ruby

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Please thank your mom fur sharing the pikhs AND fur sharing woo with us!

Now please go give her a hug&khyss from ME!


Unknown said...

We think the bird poop is very artisticly placed in those photos, bol. Good job, that is something H-Mom would do too! We sure do understand about being glad to have a job, but being tired and not so happy about the circumstances. H-Mom is being put from a minimal base salary plus commission to a MINIMAL hourly wage plus commission (and there are no sales these days) ... it is such a measly savings for the company, but it really is demoralizing.

Snowball said...

Give mom more kisses and hugs when she come back from work. That will help to take all the stress away from her.


Lorenza said...

Hi, River!
Those pictures are great and the video is pawesome!
Kisses and hugs

i said...

Lovely pictures of the sunsets! Our favourite too! Hope your mom takes some time for a breather. All work and no play is no fun at all.

Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

Those sky colours are lovely.

Make sure your mum takes plenty of rest in between all that working River.

Holly & Zac...XX

Dexter said...

The sunset is so pretty. Sorry its cold. I am very cold too. I like the musical soundtrack on your movie.


P.S. Visit my bloggy and enter Mango Minster if you have time (we hear a lot about those work places doing more with less around here too)

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

MEOW! River, it is good to see you. We are snuggling inside today as we do not like cold weather. ~S,S & C

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello river its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow the wurk of siks peepul!!! thats a lot!!! duz yore mama want to borrow my sister trouble the kittys cloning masheen? i think she wants to git rid of it for sum reezon ok bye

Clover said...

Hi River,
Sounds like your mom is super busy at work! I hope she gets to take some time this weekend to relax!
Hope you all have a great weekend,
Love Clover xo

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Those are beautiful.. We don't mind the bird poop..
Sorry Mom has been working so hard but, she is right she does have a job..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Sassy Kat said...

The mom of the house here likes to sunset photos too. You are right when you take the photo it just doesn't catch the true beauty of what the eye is seeing.

Life With Dogs said...

You have big beautiful sunsets!

Xsara and Tani said...

Very beautiful pictures!!

By the way, I think there was a little misunderstanding about our new puppy. We're not getting a great pyrenees but a pyrenean shepherd, a very small and nervous little creature :)

Anonymous said...

Oh River, I'm so sorry your mom has to work so hard. And who knows when the economy will get better? But I'm glad she has you, and beautiful sunsets...

Your pal,

Deefor said...

Hi River
You look very happy smelling stuff with the pack. Give your mom a lick from me when she comes home tire. The sunset is pretty. Even with bird poop.


Anonymous said...

What a pretty sky! Take good care of your Mom XOXO Peanut

Thor and Jack said...

What a beautiful sunsets!
I hope your mom doesn´t have to work so hard! Give her lots of kisses and hugs.


Ice Pony Girl said...

Cool sky photos. Give your mum XOXOXO!