Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Everyone is leaving!

This is good news although I think it's sad news.

Tabitha is leaving tomorrow to go to her new home for Christmas in Connecticut. (Tabitha is an Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle look-alike).

Ernie is leaving to go to Kim's Foster Dogs -- she specializes in adopting out puppies and is very, very particular in choosing a home. He will go fast he's so little and cute.

And Natalie is going, too, to her new home in Rhode Island. My mom is having a hard time letting her go but she thinks Natalie will be very happy where she is the only dog and can get lots and lots of cuddles. I will miss her a lot. A whole lot. But I'm trying to be brave.

Three gone! The pack is shrinking fast.

There are no pictures because my mom (space cadet!) has misplaced the camera--which usually means she put SOMEthing where one of us could get it and now it's out in the the rain...Well, really, if it's dog accessible, it's ours, right? So she is linking to some earlier pictures of everybody.

I have received an award from The Dughallmor Beagles. Thank you furiends!!

And I got a great haul of pressies from Addie & Zoe. Thank you, Addie! Thank you, Zoe! My mom opened them but told me I had to wait until she found the camera before I could have one. Bummer.

We are missing Sasha terribly. My mom still looks for her at bedtime because she had to lift her specially onto our high bed. I just move closer to her to fill in the gap and put my head on her shoulder. She says I'm a big help.

16 sniff-Arooos:

Unknown said...

Time to get more needy pups to nurture into their next step ... you do such good work, all of you!

Dughallmor Beagles said...

Aww, bet their new humans will send you lots of photos so you can keep up to date!
You'll need to top your pack up again!
Slobbers xx

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Glad Tabitha and Natalie have forever homes for Christmas. We hope Ernie finds a forever home soon.We are sorry you will miss them though. Congrats on the award. We love your blog too. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Furry khool news

AND furry nice places to go too!

Khongrats on your awards!

I vote fur River as the bestest snuggler up to mom beagle in the world since Sasha taught woo how to do it!


Jans Funny Farm said...

Wow, good thing she has you, River. You can comfort each other. And smile through your tears that you have helped give them a chance at a new life.

Raising Addie said...

Awww... River you have the best mom ever! She takes care of pups and then gets them to their forever homes. She is a very wonderful person!

Congrats on your award! We love your site too!

River, tell your mom it's ok to give you at least one treat (we don't want you to eat them all and get an upset tummy) and the toys. You just enjoy them sweetie, a picture isn't necessary.

Please snuggle with your mom extra good tonight River so she doesn't have the chance to be sad. I know it's hard to loose such a good friend.


Duke said...

We're so happy for Tabitha and Natalie but sad for you guys! Your mom is very special, River! Snuggle tight!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza said...

Hi, River!
I know you miss them but sure you are happy for them too!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Anonymous said...

River, you've got the sweetest mom...she takes care of so many pups and makes life better for them.

Special tail wags just for her.


Ruby and Penny said...

Hi River
Your mom will have to bring home some new friends for you to help on their way to forever homes.
Keep on snuggling your mom River.
Love Ruby

Lois Lane/Laney said...

Awe, you're such a sweety, River!

Homer said...

Woofs and howls from the Netherlands!

Just wanted to say thank you for your Christmas card. We just got it today!

Happy howlidays!


Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

That is great news about Tabitha & Natalie, we hope they will be very happy in their new homes.
We wish Ernie good luck finding a new home very soon.

Congrats on your award.

You keep snuggling with your mum River and give her lots of cuddles.

Holly & Zac

Eduardo said...

It's so good that they're going to forever homes, but sad that they're leaving you! We miss Sasha too. Just hearing stories about her.
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Thor and Jack said...

Hi River!
I´m glad to hear that Tabitha and Nathalie find forever homes. I hope Ernie finds your forever home very soon! Sorry you´re missing them a lot. Your mom is wonderful! Give her lots of hugs and kisses for me.


Lindsay said...

Congrats on the award, River! You deserve it, and more! (Which you'll get from us if The Girl ever does our award post!)

It is furry good news that Natalie and Tabitha are going to their new (hopefully furever) homes, and that Ernie is going to a place where he can get his furever home. But how sad! All three of them gone! And especially Natalie, we know you miss her lots.

We have the same rule in our house: if you leave it where a Min Pin can get it, then whatever happens is your own fault! I am better than they are about not touching things that don't belong to me, although The Girl is wondering about that, since I stole a ginger cookie yesterday. I didn't get to eat it, because I just held it in my mouth and let her take it away from me. If I was one of the Min Pins, I would have swallowed it whole!

Keep taking good care of your Mom, River. I know it's hard sometimes.

Brown dog love,
Dannan and The Girl