Sunday, November 30, 2008

A sign of things to come

This is a sign.
This is a bad sign.

Not only does it say my mom is a lousy packer but it means she's GOING AWAY.
My mom explained that she is traveling with HER mom to see a Fantasy in Lights at Callaway Gardens and that it would only be 3 days. Three days? How long is that really?

Please don't go, Mom!!


Monday morning:

Scooby: Okay everyone she's gone! Great job distracting her, Riv. She totally forgot to put the goodie box back up.


22 sniff-Arooos:

BrandytheGreat said...

I must say you're a reaaaaaally pawesome actor, River.

Dughallmor Beagles said...

Yep, you deserve an Oscar for that the paw pose....complete with big sad eyes...too cute!
Hope your Mom has fun!
Slobbers xx

ThePainterPack said...

What's the address!!!!! Pawty time!!! **shaking some tail***

Mya Boo Boo

Cocoa the Beagle said...

Woah!! You guys are great!! Now you have a big box of goodies all for yourselves!!! We wanna come over too!

Cocoa and Barley

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Of khourse, she'll just have to bring you pressies from her trip!

Enjoy your pawty!

Don't let Graham get tooooo out of khontrol!


Anonymous said...

OOOoo I hate it when the Mum goes away and doesn't take me with. Usually she takes me with tho! I hope she comes back soon!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Yowzers - woo are really going to have one royal pawty - better be sure to do a good job of cleanup.

Woos, the OP Pack

Stanislaw said...

Big Pupi recommends shoving your body in the suitcase. A little digging is requried to:

1. make the next acceptable,
2. get your scent in there, and
3. get fur on EVERYTHING.

Then the humans think about you while they're away! It makes them feel really really guilty!

Lois Lane/Laney said...

I think you were successful in making your mom feel guilty! bol

Eduardo said...

Oh River, three whole days without your Mommy? I would be crying something aweful(until I found a treat box...) Have fun parting!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Duke said...

OMG, River! We're in the same boat! Our mom is leaving us too - tomorrow - but for 6 whole days! We don't know how we're going to get through these next few days!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza said...

Hi, River!
I know you are going to miss her!
The treats are all yours!
Have fun!
Kisses and hugs

Lindsay said...

River, you totally fooled me! Excellent treat box, though! The Girl is going away for two days, and I am so sad. Maybe she will leave me a treat box, too. Or maybe Nanny and Papa will just give me everything I want! That thought cheers me up!

Brown dog kisses,

Raising Addie said...

I hope your mom has a wonderful trip!

My mom use to work right across from Calloway Gardens!! What a small world it is!! There Christmas lights are amazing. I hope she takes lots of pictures.

We wanted to tell you that you won a consolation prize in our drawing! Please email us your mailing address so Santa Paws can deliver your prizes.


Kess And Her Mama said...

Maybe she left the goodie box for you guys coz she felt guilty about leaving you??? Enjoy!

Ruby and Penny said...

Good job River. Have a great party.
Love Ruby

Pedro said...


I don't know how long 3 days is either but it sounds like an awfully long time! How great she forgot to put the goody box up! Hope you got lots of treats before she found out :P


Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Hi River, great blog you have here.
Thanks for signing my guestbook, may I add your blog onto my blogroll, please?
3 days pawtay, that 3 weeks in human's time, looooooong fun time, enjoy it, pals!

duo_disaster said...

Quick find a place to hide!
Underneath the clothes!

Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

There are loads of things in your goodie box. :-))

Safe trip wishes for your mum!

Your pals,
Holly & Zac

Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

Hey River...

We have some awards for you. :-)

Your pals,
Holly & Zac

Simcha said...

3 days is at least 6 meals.

That is too long for her to be away.